Networking Skills

Networking is referred to as ‘social capital’ by sociologists. Interacting with people of different mindsets will allow dynamic thinking, leading to idea exchanges, being part of high-profile discussions, enhancing creative intellect, and also bringing new opportunities to explore. It provides the benefits of knowledge, service, opportunity, and solutions to those involved, which in a way is beneficial to leveraging your career. Throughout your career trajectory, the ability to network is a key skill for sustainability.
As a PM, networking and communication skills go hand in hand. Strong networks are a huge advantage for product managers because the realm of product management is enormous. Sharing your thoughts with like-minded people will give you a chance to develop highly functional products.

Social media is one of the most efficient ways to build your network. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are widely known as entertainment sources, but there are diverse opportunities for people who are looking to enhance their careers. Other platforms, like LinkedIn, AngelList, are purely career-oriented. The efficiency of social media platforms is defined by easier and faster communication irrespective of the location, establishing a long-term professional connection through easy career updates, making it easier to find more people of the same interest, etc.

Alternatively, encountering people in person to expand your professional circle is also very effective. Showing up at a place to network with people will show your strong will to grow your career. Places like professional conferences, professional associations, leadership programs, job fairs, and public speaking events are some of the few places where you can find people to connect with professionally.

Career transitions may feel intimidating if there is no proper guidance, and this is where your ability to network comes into play. The first step is to know your domain. If you are a novice, make sure to give yourself some time to understand the role of a PM. But if you are a product manager and want to expand your career opportunities, networking is still a significant skill that will help you reach places. It is a key skill, irrespective of whether you are an aspiring or established PM.

Find your ideal:

The initial step after understanding the ins and outs of product management is to find the right people who possess an established career. Next, find their career profile on one of the social media platforms. Or, find your ideal company or organization that you wish to be a part of and look for people from the same.

Reach out:

When you network, it is not always good to jump right away and ask for referrals. Reach out to the desired person and talk/congratulate them on their previous works, mention your research and idea on the development, and talk about how inspiring their career profile is. These conversation starters will give you a head start to further develop the connection and this will also let them understand your product management background. Be thoughtful, as this will mark your first impression.

When you reach out, think about a certain aspect that will interest the other person to carry out the conversation. When you reach out to a person, show them your interest in their job accomplishments such as their product success, accolades received for their growth, articles/blogs/books published, their recent career updates, etc. Whenever you want to network, always remember the context is not about you but about them. Listen, engage and ask open-ended questions in the conversation, appreciate them for their successful growth and it may reciprocate when you approach them for guidance. The chances of building a network are higher when you focus on their interests more than yours.

Keep your contacts warm:

Once you get introduced and pick a conversation you need to keep the contact warm by closely following up on their work and accomplishments. This step is important because when you approach a referral in the future it is easier for them to identify you. You can keep your contacts warm by sending them a note of appreciation or congratulations on their ongoing projects or accomplishments, about their blog post on social media platforms, or, their career updates. You can also send a thank you note acknowledging their time spent with you and giving inputs on your career growth and development. Sending them occasional wishes with a note talking about your progress on the inputs given will also help in the process of staying connected with your contact.

Ask for Referrals:

Referrals are the most promising way to land you an interview with your dream company. Have a plan before you approach referrals. You should be very precise while constructing your message to ask for a referral. Structuring your message is the most important factor. Structure your message by keeping it short and straight to the point. Do not attempt to send any vague texts while trying to get a referral. Being precise and accurate is the key. Share your resume along with your message.

Do not try to wing it, because this is a one-time opportunity. When you structure your message, make sure the message does not pose a negative or demanding temperament. Be authentic, subtle, and positive, through your message let them know you are ready to handle the job obligations.

Follow up and stay persistent:

After asking for a referral, you should follow up and stay connected. Make sure to be present on all telecommunication platforms like Google Meet, Zoom, Slack, and Skype because you might be invited to connect with them through any medium. So do not let your obliviousness to the platforms break a connection.
If you get a chance to meet that person offline, make sure to put your best foot forward. After the meeting, send an appreciation email to tell them about the quality time spent discussing the profession and how much you value it. Through your message, let them know how enthusiastic you are about another meeting. While waiting for another meeting, keep optimizing your social space to make more connections.

Stay optimistic:

Staying optimistic is essential because most of the time, connections don’t turn out the way we expect them to. Remember, there are numerous people awaiting opportunities just like you do. When you face rejection, do not dwell on them but learn from the mistakes and move on if you are determined to build your network. Rejection is an inevitable stop sign to growth. Be nice to people, even when they are not in a position to help you. Show them your gratitude for spending their time responding to you.

When your circle is wider, you have more people to rely on, which is a luxury only for those who are enthusiastic about networking. Your network is your net worth, prioritize your time to increase your net worth. It is never too late to start connecting to people that share the same interests as you do. Be more accessible to people and spend time with the ones who you think will help you grow your career. It is not always about quantity but the quality that matters. Also, be sure to give more before you receive it. No matter what your career position is, share a thought or your perspective, try to come up with a solution and give a piece of advice. Be genuine about helping and the same will be returned. In this networking journey of yours, there will be many milestones. Never rush through the process but take it slow and also learn in the meantime. Try and hold on to the feeling of positivity and ambition throughout your networking journey.
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